Monday, October 27, 2008

Save our Culture !!

Save our Culture !!!

It was a day, When folku coming out to the yard. He has a plan.
"Alright, the day has came"
"What're you doing over there, folku ?"

Folku knew when His mama asking a question, but like the other day , he just ignored it. He head to the School.

"Enough, Young Man !"
"What's wrong Mum ?"
"No, What's wrong with you. You have to say "See you Mum, or Assalaamualaikum Mum" if you leave your house"
"Why i need to do this kind ritual?"
"This is not kind of ritual, This is our Culture."
"I forgot, that we have culture, I mean Javanese Culture"
"What makes you like this ?"
"All of my friends in my school mocking me about that one."
"You don't need to get angry"
"I can't mum"
"That's your identity, you can't ignored it or throw it away from your sight"
"I forbid you, Folku. Stop here, and wait 'till your father come"
"I don't care any of bullshit like this mum"
"Where are you gonna go? you don't have any place to visit"
"You wrong, totally wrong, mum"
"Excuse me ?"
"Im gonna visit my last place"
"School ?"
"See ya mum"

And folku walked away by leaving his mother behind with ignorances in his mind.
But when folku started to look behind, he never disappointed what he has done in the past time.

His mama threw folku off. It's so unforgettable moment when he thought of it.
Exactly, it happened when folku was a kid. That time was a hard era for Folku's family.
His Father died in the car crashed, a little folku didn't know why people around him crying so hard.

Folku's father was a Nascar Racer in the US. But, in the early of the game, folku's father had a bad experienced with his car. He felt, his car was not in the good condition. The brake was so uncontrollable by his feet and the steering wheel does.

When his father felt his life

This short story is not finished yet